At What Age are Humans Most Attractive?

Humans At What Age are Humans Most Attractive?

do not always age the same way or at the same rate. Some people are young-looking well into their 50s, while others age rapidly by 30 and don’t look nearly as attractive as they used to. It depends on both genetics and lifestyle choices (which includes diet, exercise, and sleep), but researchers have found that humans tend to be most attractive from the ages of 18-25 and then again from 55-60. Here are some reasons why...

The study

A new study suggests that humans reach their peak attractiveness at age 22. A team of psychologists and neuroscientists conducted two experiments to determine what makes a person attractive. In the first experiment, men and women were ranked for attractiveness by members of the opposite sex. The second experiment involved digitally aging male faces until they appeared 22-years-old, then digitally aging them again to see how they fared in comparison with those who looked 22 from the start. Women rated images aged as if they were 22 more favorably than images aged as if they were older than 21. Men rated both images equally well. The findings show that it may not be so much about looks but rather an individual's perceived or actual level of maturity. So while we all have our preferences, our perceptions and expectations change over time, which means there's no such thing as being too old to be attractive.

Biological attractiveness

Studies show that the average age at which humans are most attractive is 18 to 20. However, this is not the only factor that contributes to how attractive someone is. A person's attractiveness is based on several factors, including physical appearance, personality, social context and culture. The theory of life history predicts that as a person ages they accumulate more resources and experience in order to survive long enough to reproduce, so it follows that they will be more physically desirable than when they were younger. In other words, older people are considered more physically appealing than younger people because their body has had time to mature. One study found that males typically reached peak physical attraction at 25, while females peaked at 23 years old. That being said, an attractive woman or man is relative depending on what group you're in. For example, while some cultures might find an 18-year-old beautiful others might find them too young or immature to date.

Physical attraction

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This statement has been proven true time and time again with the number of studies conducted about which age group is considered most attractive. The range for when humans are most attractive spans from their late teens to early twenties. Studies have shown that women over 25 years old rank as less attractive than younger women, but not by much. Men peak at age 20, but stay very appealing up until their mid-thirties. Body shape changes as a person ages, so it's important to focus on health and fitness if one wishes to maintain an attractive physique. Hair can thin or turn gray during this phase, so it's a good idea to choose styles or hair colors that will make those features less noticeable. A receding hairline might be hidden by combing hair back or wearing a hat if you don't want to spend time styling your locks each morning. Facial wrinkles around the eyes, mouth and forehead can also add character to your face. Staying physically active will help you maintain muscle mass, which translates into more youthful looking arms, chest and legs. To hide wrinkles around the neck area, wear clothes that cover up or use makeup products with anti-aging properties such as Botox® injections.

Cultural influence on physical attraction

Physical attractiveness is not universal and can be culturally influenced. In the Western culture, physical attractiveness is often measured by symmetry and aesthetics. For example, a person's face may be considered attractive if it has an even number of features such as symmetrical eyes, ears, mouth, nose and chin. Asymmetries in these features make someone less physically attractive. Symmetry is more important for women than for men because women tend to have more asymmetry than men do due to the fact that they carry children inside them during their pregnancy. There are many cultures who find women with small breasts and wide hips more physically attractive, while other cultures prefer women with large breasts or full lips. Men are also judged on their attractiveness based on how well-proportioned their body parts are. One study found that long fingers, a long penis and broad shoulders were rated higher on the scale of physical attraction. It seems like there is no perfect human body type when it comes to what people find attractive.

What this means for you

People's tastes vary, and it's difficult to pinpoint the exact age when someone is most attractive. However, research has found that people generally agree that attractiveness declines gradually with age until around age 60 when it starts to fall more rapidly. Generally speaking, a person is considered the most attractive between their 20s and early 30s. But as we all know, beauty is in the eye of the beholder! So even if you're not in your 20s or early 30s, don't give up on yourself just yet. Here are a few ways you can be confident about your looks: 

1) Look for clothing styles that flatter your body type. 2) Keep your skin looking healthy by staying hydrated and using lotion. 3) Take care of your teeth by brushing twice a day and getting regular dental check-ups. 4) Don't underestimate the power of makeup to make you look younger (and sexier!).