How much work should you do?
How much work should you do?’you ve been given a huge assignment by your boss, and you don’t know how to complete it on time. But you also need to work on that proposal you promised for another project, and you still have to finish reviewing those vendor contracts you haven’t gotten to yet... What do you do? How do you handle it? The truth is that there’s no hard and fast rule about the amount of time that should be allotted to each task, but here are some strategies to try the next time this happens to you.

The right amount

It can be tough to know how much to do. The answer is, it depends. It depends on your time availability, your workload at other jobs, the size of the project, and more. And remember that it's OK to say no if it's just too much. But here are some guidelines * If a task will take less than an hour: get it done! * If a task will take between one and three hours: make a plan for when you're going to do it. * If a task will take longer than three hours: break up the work into smaller chunks so they can be completed over time. Or delegate some tasks to someone else who might have more free time or who has complementary skillsets. Finally, schedule regular check-ins with yourself to see what still needs to be done and when you'll get it done. There's never enough time in the day to do everything, but there is enough time to prioritize. Just because something isn't urgent doesn't mean it isn't important. That said, don't spread yourself too thin - after all, you can only be in one place at a time!

The wrong way

If you're like most people, your answer to this question is a resounding more. The truth is that there's no such thing as too many hours in a day. Working hard and working smart are two different things. The key to being successful at anything is knowing how to prioritize what needs to get done, then doing it. To decide what deserves your attention, ask yourself these three questions: 1) What would happen if I didn't do it? 2) How important is this task to the overall goals of my job or project? 3) What would happen if I didn't finish on time? Answer these questions honestly and with care; the result will be better decision-making. You'll know when to stop and when to keep going. You'll have peace of mind because you won't have any unfinished business hanging over your head. 

One way to make sure you're not wasting precious time is by blocking off chunks of the day for certain tasks so that they don't take up valuable minutes here and there throughout the day. Make a list of everything you need to accomplish during the week, then schedule specific blocks of time for each one every day.

Just a bit more

A lot of people have a hard time figuring out how to balance their workload. For example, they may take on too many projects or they may not push themselves enough. In order to figure out the right level of work for yourself, there are a few key questions you can ask: 

-What are your goals for this year and what type of work does that require? 

-How many hours per week will you realistically be able to dedicate towards these goals? -What types of tasks need to get done and in what order do they need to be completed? 

-Do you prefer to plan things in advance, or would you rather just dive into whatever task is at hand? 

-Do you feel satisfied with the amount of work you've accomplished when it's time for bed at night? If so, then it's probably alright if some days go by where you're only doing one thing. If you find that most days end without anything being finished, then you might want to consider taking on less projects. It might also help to spend more time planning ahead of time and breaking up big tasks into smaller ones. Finally, sometimes it's good to reward yourself once in a while--try making sure each day has an accomplishment-worthy task!

Making time to relax

Find time to relax. Even if it's just 15 minutes every day, it will reduce the stress of your workload and give you a chance to recharge. It will also help you find time for other things that are important like spending time with friends and family, taking care of yourself, or doing activities that make you happy. If you’re always stressed out and running on empty, it can be hard to maintain good mental health. Remember to take care of yourself! You can't take care of others without first taking care of yourself. Exercise is a great way to release some tension, so try fitting in at least 10-15 minutes per day and see how much better you feel! Sometimes people think they need more downtime than they actually need. If you're struggling to find time in your day, try scaling back what you're doing instead of adding more tasks. If you want something different from this blog post, there are lots of other topics about managing life's challenges on Live Strong.