what three things should a person avold once they are past 70 years old ?

The Three Worst Health Habits for People Over 70

If what three things should a person avold once they are past 70 years old ? you’re over 70 years old, there are a few health habits to avoid at all costs in order to preserve your overall health and ensure that you live to see your next birthday and many more beyond it. These habits will have adverse effects on the longevity of your life, so it’s important that you make an effort to avoid them and protect your aging body from their consequences. In this article, we’ll go over three of the worst habits you can develop as you get older and how they can impact your body negatively if left unchecked.

Excessive Alcohol Consumption

Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol is one of the worst health habits you can have once you are over the age of seventy. Alcohol consumption is associated with a number of health problems that can include cardiovascular disease, stroke, and some cancers. When consumed in excess alcohol has been shown to increase the risk of accidents and injuries. Alcohol has also been linked to dementia and Alzheimer's disease. In fact, seniors who consume more than two drinks per day show a four-fold higher risk of developing dementia later in life. 


The elderly population tends to carry more body fat and this increases their risk for a number of diseases including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, osteoarthritis among others. By reducing weight and maintaining an appropriate weight through diet and exercise these risks can be reduced or eliminated. Lack of Physical Activity: As people age they often experience muscle loss due to decreased activity levels. There are many benefits to engaging in physical activity even if it’s only moderate activity such as walking thirty minutes daily. Regular physical activity reduces the chances of disability by helping maintain muscle mass, bone density, strength and balance while reducing the risk of falls, fractures, chronic pain and other ailments related to aging such as arthritis.


A lack of physical activity can lead to all sorts of health problems, including chronic conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and arthritis. It's important to stay active, even after you reach retirement age. Staying active will help keep your muscles strong and increase your bone density. It will also lower the risk of a heart attack or stroke. Too much stress: Stress is tough on everyone, but it can be especially damaging for people over 70 years old. Too much stress causes high blood pressure, higher levels of cholesterol in the blood, increased muscle tension and tightness in the chest area, headaches and more frequent illnesses Too many unhealthy foods: Eating too many unhealthy foods can cause weight gain which may lead to type 2 diabetes or osteoosteoporosisporosis.

Bad Nutrition

What three things should a person avold once they are past 70 years old ? Bad nutrition is a big one. If you don't eat well and take care of yourself, your body will start to deteriorate. Avoid eating too much sugar and salt, both of which can cause high blood pressure and other health problems. Also, make sure to eat balanced meals with plenty of vegetables, fruit, fiber, protein and good fats. Don't skip breakfast either! Dieting: dieting can be hard at any age, but when you're over 70 it's even more difficult because your metabolism slows down. It's best to focus on making small changes in what you eat and how often you exercise than trying to overhaul the way you live. 

What 3 things should a person avoid after the age of 70?

 Alcohol consumption: Drinking heavily could lead to liver damage or other serious medical conditions. Stay healthy by sticking to just one drink per day. Smoking: It's never too late to stop smoking and keep your lungs healthy. Even if you've been smoking for decades, it may be worth the investment in cessation aids like nicotine patches or gum that can help make quitting easier. Smoking also raises your risk of heart disease and cancer.