WalkingThe Ideal Way to Walk Every Day If You're Over 65 is one of the most effective exercises you can do to improve your physical health, but if you're over 65, there are certain elements of proper walking technique that should be added to your daily routine to prevent injuries and allow you to maintain your mobility and independence as long as possible. If you walk every day, here's how you should do it at age 65 and older.

The Ideal Way to Walk Every Day If You're Over 65

Check with your doctor first

Your doctor may be able to tell you what kind of exercise is best for you. In general, seniors should engage in low-impact exercises, such as brisk walking, swimming and low-impact aerobics. Start with just a few minutes at a time, and gradually build up your stamina over the course of several weeks. It’s also important to start slow so that you don’t strain muscles or put yourself at risk for injury. 

What do I wear? It’s important that you dress appropriately when going outside, whether it's hot or cold outside. For example, in the wintertime it can get pretty chilly out there so make sure that you bundle up! However, if it's blistering hot outside you'll want to go light on clothes so that you don't overheat. Make sure that your clothes are comfortable and loose fitting so they won't restrict movement while exercising. A good rule of thumb is to take off one piece of clothing each time you perspire or break a sweat. Stay hydrated by drinking water throughout the day; this will help keep your body cool during exercise. Be mindful about what you eat too: Studies have shown that eating healthy foods (like fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fish) helps prevent chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease and stroke from occurring later in life.

Get the right shoes

Start by putting on the right shoes. Make sure they are neither too tight nor too loose. The heel should be more than one inch high, and the shoe should fit your foot snugly. Make sure it has a good grip on the bottom so you won't slip when you walk. It's also important that your toes have enough room to move around in them, as this will make walking feel more natural and comfortable. Try not to buy shoes with leather soles if you live in an area where there is snow or ice, as these surfaces can cause you to slide. Always wear socks - cotton or wool - but never thick ones because they will hinder blood circulation and increase the risk of getting blisters. 

After making sure that your feet are well taken care of, don't forget about what goes over them! Try different pairs of pants until you find the ones that most suit your body type.

Warm up and cool down

Walking is the perfect activity for seniors because it's low impact and easy on the joints. It can also help improve balance, flexibility, and strength. These benefits can not only help prevent falls but also make it easier to recover from one. For these reasons, it's recommended that you start walking with a slow, 10-minute walk and gradually increase your speed. Then cool down with an additional 10-minute walk at a slower pace when you finish. • Acknowledge good days and bad days: On good days, consider walking faster or taking more frequent breaks. On bad days, take shorter walks. No matter what the day is like, always be mindful of how you feel while exercising - if it becomes too painful or too difficult to continue, take a break and come back tomorrow. • Find your motivation: Find something that motivates you to keep going!

Go at your own pace

If you are over the age of 65, it is time to take a careful look at your lifestyle. Do you need to cut back on the amount of sleep that you get? Is there any exercise that you can add into your day? Are there any medicines that should be changed or stopped? These are all things that need to be addressed as we age and they will help us live healthier and happier lives. Remember, you don't have to walk the same path as others just because they say so. Find what works for you and embrace it with confidence! First, go at your own pace-don't try to do what other people are doing if it doesn't feel right. Second, find the right balance in life-you don't need more than four hours of sleep if you've been getting enough restful sleep every night but maybe a little more activity is necessary. Third, change up your routine every now and then by adding in new activities to keep things interesting. Finally, know when it's time to make changes: if an activity feels like work instead of fun, its probably time to stop doing that thing until you're feeling better.

Vary your route

If you stay on the same route day after day, your walk will become routine and less enjoyable. The same route every day means the same scenery, the same people, and the same things happening around you. To keep yourself engaged with your surroundings, try walking a different route each day. You can start by picking one of these routes below:

-Walk through your neighborhood and stop at a coffee shop for an iced mocha on a hot summer morning. -Wander down to the local farmer's market for some fresh produce or chat with vendors about their products. -Take your dog out for a late night walk in town when all the shops are closed. Just watch out for cars! -Visit the park across town that you've never seen before. You'll have a new place to go back to in the future. 

-Start walking up hills instead of just running them because it'll be more challenging and much more fulfilling once you reach the top!