The Healthiest Exercise: What It Is and Why You Should Be Doing It

As you probably know, the more you exercise, the better you feel in many ways – physically, mentally and emotionally. Exercise boosts your energy levels and helps you sleep better, too. But which exercises are the best ones? And why? Let’s dig in to the science to find out what the healthiest exercise really is and why it’s so good for you! [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ]

What is the healthiest exercise?


For most people, doing cardiovascular exercises on a regular basis is the best way to stay in shape. The definition of cardio is any physical exercise that raises your heart rate and breathing for an extended period of time. Examples include running, biking, swimming, climbing stairs, aerobic dance classes and more. Cardiovascular exercises are great for burning calories and improving cardiovascular health because they raise your heart rate for extended periods of time. This type of exercise also helps you lose weight by boosting your metabolism after you stop exercising. That being said, it’s important to know how long you should be working out before quitting. If you work out too little or too much it can have negative effects on your body like hurting musclesmuscles and joints. Plus, overworking your heart and lungs can cause problems such as high blood pressure and asthma attacks. Your goal should be to find a happy medium where you feel strong enough to keep going but not so exhausted that you feel like you might pass out!


Weightlifting is one of the best forms of exercise because it builds muscle mass. Muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue, so the more muscle you have, the faster your metabolism will be. Weightlifting also helps to build bone density, which decreases your risk for osteoporosis. As an added bonus, weight training can help boost your mood by releasing feel-good hormones called endorphins. 

For all these reasons, weight training should be a staple in any fitness routine. To reap these benefits, aim to work with weights two or three times per week for at least 30 minutes per session. A good rule of thumb is that if you can't do 12 reps (a set), then either increase the weight or decrease the reps. Aim for 3 sets with 12 reps each, but always listen to your body! If your form starts to suffer on the last few repetitions, then stop. If you're feeling too tired to complete the last few reps, take a break and come back later. Resting periods are just as important as working out!

Interval Training

If you're looking for a healthy alternative to running, cycling, or lifting weights, interval training is the way to go. From increased stamina to weight loss benefits, interval training has it all--plus more. The key is finding the right type of workout that suits your needs and goals. One person may find that an interval training program works well for them, while another may find that an elliptical machine better fits their needs. 

Another consideration is how much time someone can commit to working out per day and how long they want the results of their exercise program to last. For those who want short-term results but don't have a lot of time, HIIT (high-intensity interval training) workouts are great because they only take about 15 minutes each day. On the other hand, if someone wants to see longer lasting results then moderate intensity exercises like walking or jogging would be best. Just remember: no matter what type of exercise you choose, it's important to be aware of your body's limitations. Listen to what it tells you!


There is no one, single exercise that is the healthiest for everyone. The best exercise for you will depend on your health status, goals, fitness level, and lifestyle. However, yoga is often considered to be a great starting point because it offers so many benefits without the risk of injury that can come from other types of workouts. Yoga also has shown to have positive benefits on mental health and can reduce symptoms of depression. If you’re new to the world of yoga, I recommend checking out YouTube channels such as Yoga With Adriene or Dana Falsetti. These channels offer free videos with excellent instructions and guidance. A few poses to get you started are downward dog, sun salutations, child’s pose, warrior 1 pose, and chair pose. Just like any other form of exercise, consistency is key when practicing yoga; even just 10 minutes a day could make all the difference! Once you’ve got the basics down, try incorporating different positions into your routine. For example, adding warrior 2 (right side) into my morning routine has helped me gain strength in my hips which helps tremendously when playing soccer later in the day. When trying new positions for the first time, I always start by holding them for 30 seconds at a time then build up to 5 minutes total.


I would say that the most important form of exercise is stretching. Stretching is good for your muscles, ligaments, joints, and even helps with flexibility! Plus, it's been shown to help combat feelings of stress and anxiety. So do some stretches before or after working out to stay healthy! -Stretch your calves by stepping back as far as you can go and hold on to a chair or desk 

-To stretch your quads, stand up straight with one leg in front of the other 

-To stretch your hamstrings, bend over from a standing position (you may have to reach down for this) 

-To stretch your glutes, lay on the ground with both legs in a table position -Bending your head forward will stretch your neck 

-Bending sideways will stretch your sides 

-Touching toes will also be helpful when it comes to stretching