7 Common Facial Features that Make You Look Older than You Are
it 7 Common Facial Features that Make You Look Older than You Are comes to aging, it’s all about the face. Every wrinkle and fold that appears on your face makes you look older than you are, which isn’t always a good thing if you’re in your 40s but want to pass for your 20s. Luckily, there are plenty of products out there to help you slow down the aging process and make your skin look smoother and younger than it actually is.

1) Under Eye Circles

Under eye circles are a common sign of aging and can happen for a number of reasons. They can be the result of genetics, poor sleep habits, allergies, or an underlying medical condition. Regardless of the cause, under eye circles are never appealing and should always be treated with caution. If you have dark circles and they aren't improving over time, see your doctor to rule out any underlying conditions or contributing factors. It's important to note that there is no one-size-fits-all treatment for under eye circles, so it's important to do some trial and error before settling on something. The best treatments will take into account the type of skin you have as well as the severity of your symptoms.

2) Extra Fat Around the Mouth

The extra fat around the mouth is caused by overactive muscles in this area. This can lead to drooping of the mouth and a more aged appearance. If you are using Botox, it should be injected between the lip and the gum line. Another way to treat droopy cheeks is with fillers, which work best on younger patients who don't need much improvement. If your problem areas are above the neck (like your jawline or forehead), then plastic surgery would be an option for you.

3) Unwrinkled Skin on Nose

One of the first signs of aging is the loss of elasticity in your skin. Wrinkles, folds and creases will start to form on areas such as your nose and mouth. One way to combat this is by using a facial cream with retinoids, which decrease the production of melanin and reduce UV damage. If you have oily or combination skin, try an anti-aging product formulated specifically for that type of complexion. If you have dry skin, opt for moisturizers with natural oils like jojoba or coconut oil. Avoid heavy moisturizers and oils if you have sensitive skin because they may cause irritation.

4) Uneven Skin Tone

The skin on your face is constantly aging and changing, which is why it's important to take care of it with moisturizer and sunscreen. If you're noticing wrinkles or age spots, then you might want to consider using a retinol cream. Retinol helps maintain the skin's elasticity, which will help reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

There are several other things that can make your face look older as well puffiness under the eyes from too little sleep; sagging jowls from not enough facial muscle tone; lines around your mouth from pursing your lips together for too long; deep wrinkles around the mouth caused by smoking cigarettes.

5) Dark Undereye Circle

Dark undereye circles are the number one cause of making you look older. However, dark circles can be caused by many things - lack of sleep, not drinking enough water, allergies, dry skin etc. - so it's important to rule out other causes before concluding that they're solely due to aging. Once you've ruled out other possible causes for your dark circles, then there are a few tips for how to get rid of them: drink more water, apply a moisturizer and/or eye cream every day, use an eye mask at night if needed. It's also important to get enough sleep! If you're having trouble sleeping, try eliminating caffeine after 2 p.m., exercising regularly, getting outside in daylight when you can, avoiding electronics right before bedtime (including phones), reading a book or listening to music instead.

6) Wrinkles around Eyes

As we age, our skin loses its elasticity and the muscles in our face weaken. The delicate skin around your eyes becomes thinner and more susceptible to wrinkles as this happens. Wrinkles can make you look older than you really are, but luckily there are a few things you can do to prevent them from appearing prematurely. 

1) To reduce wrinkles around your eyes, use an eye cream with SPF protection during the day and apply a moisturizer before bed to keep your skin hydrated. 2) Avoid frowning or squinting too often because it will cause lines on your forehead and between your eyebrows. 3) Protect your skin from UV rays by using sunscreen every day if you're out in the sun for long periods of time (over 20 minutes). 4) Watch how much salt you eat because high salt intake is associated with dryer skin which makes it easier for wrinkles to form.

7) Fine Lines Around Mouth

Fine lines around the mouth are often caused by a lifetime of smiling. Other causes include sun damage, smoking and age. Fine lines around the mouth are a telltale sign of aging and can be avoided with good skin care. In order to keep your lips looking young try following these steps: 

Blend SPF into your moisturizer every day 

Use an exfoliating scrub every other day to help remove dead cells from the surface of your skin 

Keep your lips hydrated by using lip balm or oil on them at least once per day 

Apply foundation only to the center of your lips (to avoid feathering) and blend outwards in small circular motions. The goal is to even out any discoloration or redness and create a natural gradient look. Fill in your lips with the same color you used for your cheeks so they appear more youthful.