What type of hair do you look younger?

How to Choose a Haircut that Makes You Look Younger

You What type of hair do you look younger? ’ve probably noticed that some people who are older than you look like they’re younger than you, and vice versa. If you don’t have the money to use Botox, or if you don’t want to use it anyway, a great way to make yourself look younger without having to do much at all is by choosing the right haircut. Here are some tips on how to choose a haircut that makes you look younger.

Avoid Undercuts

Undercuts are one of the most popular hairstyles for men, and they're perfect for those who want a short, masculine cut. However, there's one thing you need to avoid: Getting your hair shaved at the bottom. This high-contrast style can age you by about five years and make you look significantly older than you actually are. The last thing you want is people guessing your real age without even looking at the rest of your face! Avoid this type of haircut, as it will only serve to backfire on you. Instead, opt for longer lengths or a more blended undercut. When deciding what length to go with, it all comes down to personal preference; some guys like the length just past their earlobes (a la David Beckham), while others prefer shoulder-length cuts (a la Justin Bieber). Either way, take into consideration how you wear your hair in general when choosing a style--you don't want it too long if you never comb it or if you have cowlicks!

Lose the Unibrow

Noses, brows, and other parts of the face can be altered with cosmetic surgery. Losing the unibrow is one way to make your face look more youthful. It's important to understand the benefits and risks of this procedure before going through it. Your plastic surgeon should always be available for any questions you have about what the process entails. In many cases, you'll have hair transplants in addition to cosmetic surgery because those will provide a more natural result than trying to go from all overgrown eyebrows back to none. The procedure itself usually takes just a few hours, but recovery time lasts around four weeks (if there are any complications).

Let it Grow!

Hair is often seen as a symbol of youth, so it's no surprise that many people want the youthful look of long hair. But if you're not looking for the extra maintenance, or are just ready for something new, there are plenty of cuts and styles that will make you look younger. A layered haircut can give your hair some movement and texture. The layers will also add volume at your roots and help your hair appear fuller. Be careful when choosing this type of style though, because one wrong cut could be disastrous. Ask your stylist to show you how they would cut their own hair before they start on yours, or better yet, ask them to show you how they would cut the person sitting next to you. If all else fails, find someone who has naturally curly hair like yours and copy their hairstyle!

Go Short (But Not Too Short!)

The goal of any haircut is to make you feel confident, but if your hair makes you look older than your years, it's time for a change. A great way to update your look and make yourself appear younger is by going with a new hairstyle. To find the style that's best for you, take these steps: 

1. Take Inventory of Your Face Shape - Is your face more round or oval? Oval faces are generally more elongated; round faces are usually wider and rounder in shape. Use this information to help determine which style will work best for your facial features. 

2. Consider What Length Looks Best on You - If you have an oval-shaped face, then try long layered cuts that frame your face and add volume around the crown area. If you have a round-shaped face, then choose something shorter like chin-length layers because it won't add length to your already full visage. Keep in mind that shorter styles will be easier to maintain too!

Get Balayage

Balayage, also known as freehand hair painting, is a technique used in color correction and highlights. The best way to describe Balayage is painting. In the application process, hair is painted with lightener or bleach and then hand-painted by the stylist using an artist brush. This allows for more natural looking highlights and color correction which can be blended into your own hair without any harsh lines. If you want your hair to look fuller, healthier, and younger than a cut will not do the trick. Investing in healthy hairstyles like balayage and some of these other suggestions will help you look years younger! When it comes to aging, our skin and hair are the first things we notice. As our skin ages, so does our hair. Our follicles become less active causing our locks to lose their sheen, grow thinner and duller over time. With proper care and maintenance, both skin and hair can maintain their youthful glow well into old age.

Ask For Bangs

Bangs are an excellent way to frame your face and make you look younger. The right cut will flatter your features and will help you showcase the most flattering side of your hair. Asking for bangs might be intimidating, but it's worth it if they can make you look 10 years younger! So next time you're in the salon chair, tell your stylist what you're looking for. They'll know what to do! First off, be honest about how much maintenance you want to put into your hair- maybe you don't have time for regular styling appointments or want something that looks natural on bad days. Be sure to mention whether or not you use product like mousse or gel so they know what style is best suited for your lifestyle. If they think they could pull off any style with minimal work on your end, ask them which one makes you look younger!